The Dressage Academy is a youth-only boutique dressage training program located in the heart of horse country in Cream Ridge, NJ. We specialize in developing riders under the age of 25 to the top levels of the sport. Whether you are a newcomer to dressage, a seasoned competitor pursuing the FEI pathway or a young rider looking for your next performance horse, we can help you realize your dreams.
Training at The Dressage Academy
Board and tuition at The Dressage Academy includes the following services:
Full care board to include…
12 x 12 matted stalls
Private turnout
Climate controlled tack and feed rooms
Indoor and outdoor full-sized dressage arenas dragged daily
Scheduling and handling for veterinarians, farriers and other practitioners
Respond Cold Laser therapy
Intensive training with youth dressage experts to include…
Goal setting and career roadmapping
Competition coaching
Hands-on support to help students learn the horse management skills necessary to perform at the highest levels of the sport
Mentorship through volunteer projects, which help students understand their role in the wider equestrian community
Seminars led by horse industry experts
Access to top clinicians
Other Services
The Dressage Academy aims to connect young riders around the country with their ideal equine partners. We leverage our understanding of young rider development and the youth dressage divisions to find the best possible horses for our clients. Whether you are looking in the U.S. or Europe, our trusted agents will guide you every step of the way.
Bring The Dressage Academy to your barn, GMO or Pony Club! Our goal is to introduce youth across the region to the magic of dressage. We will work with you to develop a robust youth dressage clinic that can include unmounted theory sessions as well as intensive private dressage lessons.